Sunday, February 8, 2009

How to Promote Your Business On a Daily Basis

Well, it’s official. The “car slick” will be installed this week. What’s that prey tell? (See photo) They are located on the back of car windows and side doors. You stare at them on the road everyday, and they are silently urging you to learn more about its owner's business. They run the gamut from promoting plumbing services to dog walking. I'm sure there is a connection there somewhere… In any case, have you ever seen a loose leaf tea company logo? I haven’t. Not a single one, and I have had my eyes peeled for over a year now.

From now on, every time the Tea Drinker heads out in his trusty Nissan Pathfinder, he is a moving advertisement. All in a nice subtle way, urging and luring our community to buy Drink the Leaf loose leaf teas.

If you own a business, and are not advertising on your vehicle, do so. All you need is a logo, the cost is minimal, and the payoff is year-round advertising. Oh, and owning a vehicle is essential.

I read somewhere that in order to commit a company's name to memory, one needs to see it, at least eight times.

Drink the Leaf
Drink the Leaf
Drink the Leaf
Drink the Leaf
Drink the Leaf
Drink the Leaf
Drink the Leaf
Drink the Leaf
AND, one for extra measure: Drink the Leaf.

Cruising your neighborhood soon…..

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